Freedom, Then the Press: New York Media and Bail Reform (2021)
"While the full impact of bail rollbacks remains to be seen, one thing is certain: media outlets across New York played a major role in generating the fear and backlash that is driving the increase in the jail population and exposing thousands more people to the possibility of illness and death behind bars. A more detailed analysis of media behavior can be found on the following pages."
Gladiator School: Returning Citizens’ Experiences with Secondary Violence Exposure in Prison (2020)
"Prison-based violence exposure is a critical area of study, yet the range of secondary (witnessed) violence experiences among incarcerated persons lacks comprehensive development in the literature. Drawing on qualitative data from 30 interviews with previously incarcerated men and women, we examine the extent of secondary violence exposure faced by these individuals. We find that secondary violence was frequently experienced in prison and often took the form of witnessing non-weaponized assaults, weaponized assaults, multi-perpetrator assaults, and homicide."
Preventive Detention in New York: From Mainstream to Margin and Back (2017)
"This paper aims to capture the preventive detention debate of the late 1960s to provide historical context for Governor Cuomo’s proposed amendment to New York’s criminal procedure law."
A Decade of Bail Research in New York City (2012)
"A decade-long research project examining the bail system in New York City has recently been completed by the New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc. (CJA). The research was conceived in the context of CJA’s mission of reducing unnecessary pretrial detention, and it continued in the midst of a national debate about the role of bail and the commercial bail bond industry in the criminal justice system. This final report of the bail project synthesizes the major findings, with the dual objective of making the research results more accessible by gathering them together in one place, while also introducing a level of clarity that is difficult to achieve when disparate findings are viewed only as separate pieces."